Change Your Oww to Wow!

This week I was listening to an interview one of my mentors, Todd Herman, a peak performance coach, had with Marie Forleo.  (It was a great interview!  Google it.)  He was discussing a concept that dealt with having an Oww brain mindset or a Wow brain mindset.  As I...

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Looking for Homeschoolers to Feature in our Blog

We Want to Hear From You!One of the best ways to grow and learn, as well as to get amazing new ideas is to look to someone who has already accomplished something you would like to do or know more about. Here at Homeschool with Confidence, we are constantly talking...

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Gratitude is the special sauce in life

Happy, successful people consistently have one thing in common.  They are grateful.  They actively search for silver linings and their glasses are always half full.  Getting in the habit of being grateful is easily one of the most important practices you can teach...

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